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    The Department of Primary Education of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities in the University of Western Macedonia continues the operation of a Postgraduate Program entitled “Education Sciences: Management and Administration in Education – Educational Leadership” during the academic year 2022-2023 (Government Gazette B 2865/18.07.2018 as amended by Government Gazette B 6737/31.12.2021). The program is addressed to in-service educators of primary and secondary education, to educational executives but also to graduates of Departments and Faculties located in Greece or abroad who are going to work as teachers in the future.

    In Greece, according to research data, a significant deficit has been recorded in the provision of study opportunities in Postgraduate Programs related to management and administration in education as well as educational leadership. In recent years, several such programs operated in Greece and abroad. In this context, the Department of Primary Education of Florina aspires to address the prospective students of this Postgraduate Program of Western Macedonia but also students nationwide, continuing the operation of a very successful and high-quality program.

    Our goal is for the graduates of the program to be able to meet the modern challenges of organization and administration of education and the school unit as well as to acquire skills and abilities in the direction of applying educational leadership through theory and research.

    The Director of the Postgraduate Program

    Iordanidis Georgios
